To implement and achieve a sustainable development, the right competence is necessary. In a close cooperation with schools and businesses, Be-Ge Stece AB invests in strengthening and providing competencies for the operation.
Be-Ge Stece AB invests in the future
By engaging in both school, business issues and the municipality, we work together towards a sustainable future. Everything is a circular process where we need each part to evolve. In collaborations with schools such as, Mönsteråsgymnasiet and Nova in Oskarshamn, we are giving students the opportunities for internships, study visits and the possibility to write their bachelor/master thesis with us. Be-Ge Stece AB is also sponsoring youth and sports.

Teknikcollege Östra Småland
Be-Ge Stece AB collaborates with Mönsteråsgymnasiet, whose technical education programs and Natural Science Program are part of Teknikcollege Östra Småland. With the Teknikcollege quality seal, the programs are influenced by companies, such as Be-Ge Stece AB, when it comes to education plan. The companies ensure that the students receive a relevant education that includes and secures the competencies they will need on the job market. We want to give young people the opportunity to gain experience and the right skills before graduation.
Industrins Ostkustcentrum
Be-Ge Stece AB is also part of IOC (Industrins Ostkustcentrum AB). IOC is a member-managed and member-owned technology company in Mönsterås and surrounding area. The company maps the needs of the members’ operations and works for competence development and competence supply for all member companies.

Sponsoring of young people
Be-Ge Stece AB are sponsoring children and young people in various sports and activities. For example, we are sponsoring Parkskolan in Yrkeskampen, which is a national competition for students in year 8. The competition, which consists of both theoretical and practical elements, aims for the students to gain an insight into practical professions and show educational opportunities regarding vocational education before the future choice of high school.