Be-Ge Stece AB are working for a long-term sustainable development, which includes responsible use of nature’s resources etc. Resources like water and electricity are crucial in our operation and in every stage, we work towards a greener sheet metal processing. Our sustainability efforts contribute to a significant reduce of the company’s environmental impact.

Sustainable water usage
Water is an important resource in Be-Ge Stece AS’s operation. It is used for the cooling process of the furnaces and as base in the surface treatment processes. Instead of using municipal drinking water, we collect water from our own well as much as possible. The well covers two thirds of our process water. After use, the water is pumped through our own treatment plant where it is recycled to be used again. The water that leaves the facility is controlled strictly by a third-party laboratory. The emissions are examined to ensure that substances, such as zinc, are kept within the approved values. The levels in our water are well below the limit set by the County Administrative Board in our operating permit.
Energy efficient operation

To reduce our environmental impact, Be-Ge Stece AB is at the forefront with the company’s energy use. One of the facilities is heated by energy efficient heat pumps, while the remaining facilities are connected to the municipal district heating network, which produces heat from the combustion of residual products from the pulp and wood industry.

Solar cells
Solar cells have also been installed on the facility, which cover 20 percent of the operation’s annual consumption. Since before, the electricity that is purchased is 100 percent fossil-free. The solar cells contribute to the energy consumption also being renewable energy.

Energy saving
To use the energy as efficiently as possible, our air compressors only run when they are needed and leaks in the system are sealed. This results in improvements of the operating conditions for the ventilation as the fans draw less power, while at the same time we reuse the heat in the exhaust air.
At Be-Ge Stece AB, we work purposefully forward to constantly develop the operation based on a long-term and sustainable perspective.