
At Be-Ge Stece AB we strive to be a part of a sustainable society by taking the environment into account. Everyone in the company takes personal responsibility and we support it through education, information and active involvement in environmental activities.

Narrow emissions

Our emissions and noise should be reduced as far as possible within the framework of what is reasonable with regard to technology and profitability.

Reduce environmental impact

We are working to reduce its environmental impact by regularly measure and evaluate environmental work and continuous improvements in order to prevent pollution.

Comply with laws

To comply with laws and directives from the authorities and demands from customers is for us of utmost importance.

Working methods and products

We design methods and products with regard to health, safety and the environment and to conserve resources.

We openly report our environmental relationship, customers, suppliers, employees and the public. The company is certified to ISO 14001:2015.
Click here to download the certificate.

We buy 100% renewable electricity.

Together we create a sustainable future. 

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